

来源: | 发布日期:4个月前 | 浏览次数:






  1. **需求对接**:缘通租赁团队第一时间与学校负责人进行了深入沟通,详细了解了考场布局、信号频段需求及租赁时长等具体信息,确保方案精准对接客户需求。

  2. **方案定制**:根据学校的实际情况,缘通租赁量身定制了一套包括设备选型、布局规划、安装调试在内的全方位租赁服务方案。所选手机屏蔽仪具备高效屏蔽、低辐射、易操作等特点,完全符合高考考场的特殊需求。

  3. **快速部署**:在方案确定后,缘通租赁迅速组织技术人员前往学校,利用周末时间完成了所有屏蔽仪的安装与调试工作。整个过程中,技术人员耐心指导学校工作人员如何正确使用设备,并提供了详细的操作手册。

  4. **现场支持**:高考期间,缘通租赁安排了专人驻守现场,随时准备应对可能出现的突发情况。同时,通过远程监控系统实时监控设备运行状态,确保万无一失。




  - **精准匹配**:缘通租赁根据考场实际情况,精准匹配了适合的屏蔽仪型号与数量,确保了屏蔽效果的最大化。

  - **高效执行**:从方案制定到设备部署,再到现场支持,缘通租赁团队展现了极高的执行效率,确保了服务的及时性与有效性。

  - **贴心服务**:除了提供高质量的硬件设备外,缘通租赁还注重客户体验,通过细致入微的服务赢得了客户的信任与好评。




  **English Version**:

  **Successful Case of Mobile Phone Signal Blocker Rental in Baoji, Shaanxi, China**

  In todays rapidly evolving society, the need for confidentiality during exams, conferences, and sensitive events is increasing. As a pivotal city in Northwest China, Baoji, Shaanxi Province, is no exception. Recently, Yuantong Rental successfully provided a mobile phone signal blocker rental service to a prestigious high school in Baoji, ensuring the fairness of the college entrance examination and earning high praise from the client, marking a notable achievement in the local rental service industry.

  **Project Background**:

  With the advancement of technology, smartphones have become an integral part of daily life but also pose challenges to venues requiring high confidentiality. Recognizing the significance of the college entrance examination for students and their families, a leading high school in Baoji decided to strengthen signal management in exam halls. After thorough comparison and consideration, the school chose Yuantong Rental as its partner to lease signal blockers, safeguarding the smooth conduct of the exams.

  **Service Process**:

  1. **Demand Alignment**: The Yuantong Rental team immediately communicated with the schools representatives, thoroughly understanding the exam hall layout, signal frequency requirements, and rental duration to tailor the solution precisely to their needs.

  2. **Customized Solution**: Based on the schools specifics, Yuantong Rental devised a comprehensive rental service plan encompassing equipment selection, layout planning, installation, and commissioning. The chosen signal blockers boasted high efficiency, low radiation, and ease of operation, perfectly suited for the exam halls.

  3. **Rapid Deployment**: Following the approved plan, Yuantong Rental swiftly dispatched technicians to the school, installing and adjusting all blockers over the weekend. The technicians patiently guided school staff on device operation and provided detailed manuals.

  4. **Onsite Support**: During the


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